Drawing a portrait with live model


Dear artlovers ♥ , this classes are all levels.
Painting on Wednesday and Drawing in colours on Sunday.
More details:

1. In the weekend, Drawing in colours class -Sunday from 17-19.30.There are still 3 free places left, tea, colorful pencils, paper.
Total participants to an workshop are 5 persons.,
Call my number for details 0728170971 of exact adresse.

2.During the week class, Painting on Wednesday from 11-13.30- still 2 free places left, 70 ron contribution for some materials, teacher and space. Included -tea, colour pencils, paper, small canvas. Bring own brushes and acrilics or tempera colours.

Contribution for model is 50 ron and will be divided by the number of participants.

Other materials upon request, if in stock, are at same price like in shop..

Registration at casarte@yahoo.com


On FB. https://www.facebook.com/events/164712240564735/

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